Custom widgets for lxde applications

Leszek Lesner leszek.lesner at
Fri Aug 24 19:28:27 UTC 2012

Am Freitag, 24. August 2012, 21:05:21 schrieb Julien Lavergne:
> Le 08/24/2012 07:37 PM, Stephen Smally a écrit :
> > So my question (and proposal) is: Is a standard lxde widgets library a
> > good thing?
> > I personally don't like when a gtk app require another library for
> > widgets (such as libxfce4ui), because it looks to me like an added
> > weight. However, i started appreciating this with the granite library
> > (used for elementary os widgets), and i started thinking about a lxde
> > library seriously (i called it liblxui, but i don't like the name a lot).
> > In my plan, the library should be:
> > * Written with Vala (simple development + C and vala api) and Gtk3
> > * Themed within Box (or whatever) via css, using another Gtk theme the
> > widgets won't look strange.
> > * Lightweight, of course, just few widgets (about 5 or 6), no Services
> > or patches as in granite
> IMO, one of the main advantage of LXDE is that it's gtk + glib only,
> using stock features of those libraries. Starting by introducing a
> strong dependency on a specific library, and it will end like Xfce or
> Gnome, an integrated desktop, with a lot of common and specific
> components. So, what's the point to create yet another integrated
> desktop ? LXDE will loose one of it main advantages.

I agree here.
Modularity is the one thing that makes lxde (among with some others) a great 
desktop environment. 
Also for us as developers this is very important and an interesting thing as 
it gives us currage to find out and experiment what software is working best 
with lxde or with software xyz. We do this 'fun'-work to provide the best 
possible user experience.

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