Anyone here qualified to install Lubuntu?

Ron Johnson ron.l.johnson at
Thu Aug 23 11:44:49 UTC 2012

You still have not specified the corporate cycle you are trying to 
break.  Especially since most of the kernel is written by people who 
work for... corporations.

On 08/23/2012 06:39 AM, Ho Wan Chan wrote:
> Well, Canonical supports FOSS.
> It's completely open source and free... We don't provide closed-source or
> proprietary software that is not free.... That's the spirit of Canonical,
> Ubuntu and mainly the Linux community
> 2012/8/23 Ron Johnson <ron.l.johnson at>
>> Last I checked, Canonical Ltd is... a corporation.
>> So, what "corporate cycle" is it that you're trying to break?
>> On 08/23/2012 04:29 AM, Phill Whiteside wrote:
>>> Hi Ronnie,
>>> charging someone for an F/OSS [1]installation is, to me at least. akin to
>>> charging a windows user for a free version of anti-virus. I do Linux
>>> installs because I believe in the concept of F/OSS, not to get rich - but
>>> to let people know 'there is another way'.
>>> We are all volunteers, who gladly give our time up in order to break the
>>> corporate cycle.
>>> As to being 'qualified', there are linux exams that a person can pass [2]
>>> [3], but the best exam of all is the one called advocacy.
>>> Regards,
>>> Phill.
>>> 1.**Free_and_open-source_software<>
>>> 2.**developerworks/linux/lpi/<>
>>> 3.**training/certifications/rhce/<>

If adults of legally sound mind must be told what foods they
are not allowed to buy, then those people are not competent
to choose (i.e. vote for) their own leaders.

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