Anyone here qualified to install Lubuntu?

Ho Wan Chan smartboyhw at
Thu Aug 23 11:39:08 UTC 2012

Well, Canonical supports FOSS.

It's completely open source and free... We don't provide closed-source or
proprietary software that is not free.... That's the spirit of Canonical,
Ubuntu and mainly the Linux community

2012/8/23 Ron Johnson <ron.l.johnson at>

> Last I checked, Canonical Ltd is... a corporation.
> So, what "corporate cycle" is it that you're trying to break?
> On 08/23/2012 04:29 AM, Phill Whiteside wrote:
>> Hi Ronnie,
>> charging someone for an F/OSS [1]installation is, to me at least. akin to
>> charging a windows user for a free version of anti-virus. I do Linux
>> installs because I believe in the concept of F/OSS, not to get rich - but
>> to let people know 'there is another way'.
>> We are all volunteers, who gladly give our time up in order to break the
>> corporate cycle.
>> As to being 'qualified', there are linux exams that a person can pass [2]
>> [3], but the best exam of all is the one called advocacy.
>> Regards,
>> Phill.
>> 1.**Free_and_open-source_software<>
>> 2.**developerworks/linux/lpi/<>
>> 3.**training/certifications/rhce/<>
> --
> If adults of legally sound mind must be told what foods they
> are not allowed to buy, then those people are not competent
> to choose (i.e. vote for) their own leaders.
> --
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