Lubuntu-users Digest, Vol 8, Issue 17

PCMan at
Tue Aug 21 05:46:07 UTC 2012

On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 5:12 AM, Timothé Beemster <tbeemster at> wrote:
> Hi,
> Of course I do respect everyone's choice, not least because linux is about
> choice, but I do want to point out that GMPC is a front end to Music Player
> Daemon, which also supports Jack audio (not verified by myself, but mpd
> tends to be rock solid, so I suppose it should work) and also uses a
> directory structure to manage music.
> The player is not very well known, but I honestly think it's a missed
> opportunity, as I like it a lot, and the valid point you made about some
> features which are unnecessary: gmpc is very configurable, so you can just
> turn features off, if you don't like them.
> Thanks,
> Timothy

MPD has a very significant drawback.
IIRC, It requires that you put all of the music files in one single directory.
Of course some people use symlinks to solve this, but this is not the
normal way people using their music players.
I know that there are some implementations using a hackish way to solve this.
Some MPD frontends put the music files in other places, and copy them
to mpd dir to have them played, and remove them after playing, which
is terrible.
MPD is good, rock solid, but to be honest it's not for ordinary users.
There are several good GUI frontend, but the way it handles your music
collections is just weird.

The client server designed is also provided by xmms2 and there are
some good GUI frontends for it. However, xmms2 server tries to force
you using its media library which has severe performance problems.
Though we officially support xmms2 in upstream LXDE, unfortunately,
it's not a choice that's good enough.


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