About Icon Theme and Square Application Icons

Michael Rawson michaelrawson76 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 5 14:21:03 UTC 2012

On 05/08/12 15:08, Pascual Lucero wrote:
> Hello,
> I wrote yesterday to the list criticizing the choice of making square 
> application icons like Cinnamon (a feature I think it is not worth 
> imitating), particularly the new awful Chromium square icon (it looks 
> like an eye trapped in a square). An particularly the fact that this 
> tries to solve "a problem" that actually doesn't exists. I am not the 
> only one who think these square application icons are awful and this 
> is inconsistent with the way developers create their icons.
> I apologize if I said in a previous email that this is a "waste of 
> time". What I meant, is that the Lubuntu Artwork team is doing a lot 
> of work and changing the icon theme and all application buttons is 
> very demanding, so they don't need to spend more time in creating a 
> "square world" that no one is asking. I think this mailing list can be 
> a good place to ask people if they really need square application 
> icons "like Linux Mint Cinnamon" or not. I bet NO ONE in this list 
> would say "yes, I need square application icon, I hate circles".
> Do we really think that the square icons like this :
> - (look at the taskbar): 
> http://www.muktware.com/sites/default/files/images/applications/linux-mint-13-1.jpg 
> - (look at the Chrome icons) 
> http://www.marques.so/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Screenshot-at-2012-01-25-104412.png 
> - (look at the Chromium icon) 
> http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-McjEdL4hups/UBrKY3ct7oI/AAAAAAAAJfg/Gm_ntn6DdT4/s320/mural.png
> is what we need?
> I think leave icons as we have now is fine and a Win-Win situation: 
> Users can have the same icons developers choose for their programs, 
> Lubuntu team has less work to do and everyone i happy.
> Thanks for your attention.
I think they look good (the icons, and the screenshots). Myself. I 
daresay it's a personal thing.

The other point is that the current icons are not usually the ones 
developers chose for their programs. Set the 'hicolor' (default 
application) icon theme sometime, and you'll see why we don't want that.

I'm not a part of Lubuntu Artwork team, so feel free to ignore me. :)
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