12.10 theme (lubuntu-artwork)

Pascual Lucero pascualucero at gmail.com
Sat Aug 4 15:31:13 UTC 2012

> I was going to ask about this precisely, because I am using the new icon
> theme and I have seen that still we have the green play buttons, the red
> stop button and the green firefox arrows (back and forward), which is
> inconsistent with the remaining icons, so I hope the action buttons will
> remain consistent with the nice new icons.
> On the other hand, there is one point that I am worried about: The square
> application icons. It looks like the Cinnamon fashion of square application
> icons is being imitated among several distros? Why? Do we really think this
> is worth imitating? In my case, for example, I choose not to use Cinnamon
> because of these awful application icons. In Lubuntu, the Chromium icon is
> just awful. It looks like some rigid person thinks that only can live in a
> world with straight lines and "circles" are too "curvy" for him, so that
> person thought that everyone wants the same.  In my humble opinion this
> implies more work (because you have lots of applications, so you would need
> to change every icon to avoid mixing square and rectangular icons) and it
> is a waste of time. Not even Windows or Mac do this, why us? It is like
> attempting to "fix" a problem that actually never existed in first place.
> Thanks for all your attention and the great effort of the artwork team to
> make Lubuntu look even better. Have a nice day!
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