[lubuntu-devel] "TTY" goes to black screen, then doesn't come out of it?

Fritz Hudnut este.el.paz at gmail.com
Wed Jan 22 20:30:48 UTC 2020


Yep, I always check the shasum numbers, so that shouldn't be an issue . . .
.  I just thought I remembered some conversation on Lu users about TTY
going away, but I guess not, so I'll have to futz around and see if it is
an "nvidia" issue getting into it . . . .  Since I've had problems traced
to nvidia drivers for "suspend" so possibly they don't have no stinkin' TTY
functions set up?  I thought that generally nvidia cards are "good" . . .
but seems like a tad finicky ???

On Wed, Jan 22, 2020 at 11:14 AM Walter Lapchynski <wxl at ubuntu.com> wrote:

> On 2020-01-22 19:02, Fritz Hudnut wrote:
> > . . . something exclusive to Mac
> It's possible something changed about the keyboard configuration. You
> could use `xev` to ensure the keys are producing the right output you
> think they should. But then, I don't think the F6 one you said did
> something would work at all.
> > OR possibly it might relate to using
> > Nvidia drivers???  I've added the proprietary drivers
> One way to answer that is to not use them, but just use nouveau. If
> there's no problems in nouveau, there's your answer. Nvidia is often
> problematic.
> > some of my linux installs get to TTY and some don't
> Did you check the hashes of the image to be sure you actually have the
> right installation media? I could see that causing all sorts of strange
> issues.
> --
>        @wxl | polka.bike
> C563 CAC5 8BE1 2F22 A49D
> 68F6 8B57 A48B C4F2 051A
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