[lubuntu-devel] Lu 20.10 running 5.4 kernel . . . still???

Fritz Hudnut este.el.paz at gmail.com
Fri Dec 11 16:33:27 UTC 2020


I've reported this issue here before to little fanfare, but it continues to
be part of the user experience, which is that my seat of the pants
impressions leaves Lu 20.10 still "slow" to boot and log in . . . once in a
session it runs OK, but compared to even my other ubuntu or Debian flavors
of 20.10 . . . Lu seems to take more time to load the desktop after the
time it takes to get to the log in window . . . I type my password and
there are at least 30 seconds???? delay before the "decision" is made to
load the desktop???  Even if it is 15 seconds it is comparatively slow to
my other 5 or so linux operations . . . .

I just checked uname -r and it showed kernel 5.4???  I just go with what
apt offers in kernel updates . . . but yesterday or so, one of my
tumbleweed or Pop! editions showed kernel update for 5.9.12 . . . .  Would
that relate to the speed differentials???  Possibly, but considering that
20.10 is more or less almost ubuntu "bleeding edge" it seems like it should
be snappier to get up and moving???

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