[lubuntu-devel] mouse scroll wheel behavior in pcmanfm-qt (was: 19.4 installer has 8gig minimum disk requirement)

Walter Lapchynski wxl at ubuntu.com
Thu May 2 01:02:44 UTC 2019

On Tue, Apr 30, 2019 at 12:50:14PM -0700, Walter Lapchynski wrote:
> On 2019-04-28 21:27, Mark F wrote:
> > When I roll my wheel, I adjust my
> > enthusiasm/expectation by how far I have to go (within the size of the
> > viewport). I don't really think about it as "I'm looking at smaller
> > things, Spin madly!" (nor, "whales! go slow."). It's just a gesture
> > I'm accustomed to doing (with an expectation of the result, no matter
> > the context.).
> Based on this notion, I created a bug report upstream to advocate for an
> option in pcmanfm-qt to override the definition of what a line was. It
> was not met with success

Well, actually, this isn't entirely true. I advocated for another
*preference* that acted upon *lines*. What I got was a *modifier*
(Shift) that allowed one to override the number of rows down to one.
Obviously, if your global setting is set to one, this doesn't help, but
it's certainly an improvement. At present, the [update][1] has not yet
been merged upstream. Maybe it will be coming in Eoan?

[1]: https://github.com/lxqt/libfm-qt/pull/419
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