[lubuntu-devel] Lumina desktop?

Mark F azdays15 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 16 18:28:48 UTC 2017

I just saw a review of the Lumina desktop.[1] It's supposed to be a
low-resource desktop like LXDE. Since LXQt seems to be a moving target, I
wondered if anyone had thought of a Lumina meta-package so it could be an
option in Lubuntu? (It's even got the "L" name which might make it suitable
as the default desktop if LXQt never happens?

I don't know what's involved in making those meta-packages. I apologize if
I'm suggesting something that's a big job.

I wish something could happen. Xfce seems to be circling the drain. It
seems like there's demand for a more eye-candy'ish desktop that is low
resource.[2] I feel like Lubuntu is not languishing by comparison. (I'm not
a Mint fan due. The support community is not as strong as Ubuntu. But, that
also makes me wonder how they can be doing LXQt more than Ubuntu.).

[2] There's more talk about LXQt on Mint. See
Also a meta package: https://community.linuxmint.com/software/view/lxqt
And this article about how to install LXQt in Mint:
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