[lubuntu-devel] Lubuntu Team Meeting Wed 9 Mar 1900 UTC

Walter Lapchynski wxl at ubuntu.com
Sat Mar 5 00:44:53 UTC 2016

Just a friendly reminder (look, ahead of time, no less!), that we'll be
having our regularly monthly Lubuntu IRC meeting on Wednesday, 9 March,
i.e. next week, at 1900 UTC in #lubuntu-devel. To see the agenda (feel free
to add something!) and other information, please consult the [wiki][1].

I'd like point out that our meetings are open to everyone. If you want to
come lurk and listen, feel free. If you'd like to bring up questions or
concerns, do it (probably best to add to the agenda). If you are curious
about gettnig involved, this is a great place to discuss with the team at
large. If you're in doubt as to whether or not you should join, just do it!
We'd love to have you.

[1]: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/IRC%20Meetings

@wxl | http://polka.bike
Lubuntu Release Manager & Head of QA
Ubuntu PPC Point of Contact
Ubuntu Oregon LoCo Team Leader
Ubuntu Membership Board & LoCo Council Member
Eugene Unix & GNU/Linux User Group Co-Organizer
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