[lubuntu-devel] Architecture EOL plans for Lubuntu

Walter Lapchynski wxl at ubuntu.com
Wed Jul 27 13:41:54 UTC 2016

On Jul 12, 2016 08:13, "Bryan Quigley" <bryan.quigley at canonical.com> wrote:

>  I was just saying that in some cases the cost of power (which is
> hidden on the individual level sometimes) and add up to make some
> older machines not worth it.

That is an interesting thought, as it sort of suggests that Lubuntu's focus
on older machines may not be justifiable, at least financially.

> For alternate cds: I'm surprised they're still needed, given that I
> can run Lubuntu (i386) livecd well with just 256 MB of ram.  Having
> said that it doesn't look like the costs of building alternates are
> very high.

It's ubiquity that's the memory hog. If only if had a non-graphical

> PPC: This was mentioned in passing that this arch might be worth
> considering for removal in the future

This is being discussed seriously now due to lack of support among kernel
developers and lack of testers. Even if this was a done deal, since our
last release was Xenial, the Canonical machinery will need to continue to
publish PPC images until its point releases are finished.
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