[lubuntu-devel] Details about my ISO with LXQt

Graham Cantin kamilion at gmail.com
Thu Jul 14 04:02:13 UTC 2016

Glad to see someone else using Customizer. Let me know if you run into any
issues with it.
I'm the current maintainer.

If you ping me on freenode, I can help you port your lxqt build profile
over to automation like

I'd really like to see an LXQT base ISO, I might even switch over to it as
my source ISO if a couple of the more visible bugs have been fixed. (like
the desktop background updating when the resolution is changed)

You can find some of the lubuntu ISO builds with xen I've done from the
releases tab on the kamikazi-core repo.

Good luck in the future!

On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 5:32 AM, Inti <intialonso at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello everybody.
> First, I want to thank you all for your work into bringing LXQt to Ubuntu.
> I want to make emphasis that my iso is just a personal hobby project and I
> shared it hoping for it to be useful to someone out there. As soon as
> Lubuntu release with LXQt by default I will stop generating the iso. If
> there is any problem please let me now.
> Simon asked me to mail the details of the ISO, so here they are:
> *Builded using Ubuntu Customizer.Lubuntu iso as a base.*
> *PPAs*
> ppa:numix/ppa
> ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
> ppa:lubuntu-dev/lubuntu-daily
> *Updated the chrooted filesystemUninstalled the LXDE and gtk apps: *
> sudo apt-get remove abiword alsamixergui apport-gtk audacious
> audacious-plugins fonts-nanum fonts-noto-cjk galculator gnome-mplayer
> gnome-system-tools gnome-time-admin gnumeric gpicview  guvcview
> indicator-application-gtk2 leafpad libfm-modules lubuntu-core
> lubuntu-default-session lubuntu-software-center lxappearance-obconf lxinput
> lxlauncher lxpanel-indicator-applet-plugin lxrandr lxsession-default-apps
> lxsession-logout lxshortcut lxtask lxterminal mtpaint pidgin pinentry-gtk2
> scrot sylpheed sylpheed-doc sylpheed-i18n sylpheed-plugins transmission
> xfburn xfce4-notifyd xfce4-power-manager xfce4-power-manager-plugins xpad
> lubuntu-desktop
> *Installed LXQt without using the metapackage*
> sudo apt-get install lxqt-about lxqt-common lxqt-admin lxqt-config
> lxqt-globalkeys lxqt-notificationd lxqt-openssh-askpass lxqt-panel
> lxqt-policykit lxqt-powermanagement lxqt-qtplugin lxqt-runner lxqt-session
> lxqt-sudo pcmanfm-qt
> *Installed apps:*
> sudo apt-get install qbittorrent breeze ubuntu-restricted-extras
> clementine smplayer pavucontrol libreoffice kcalc okular lightdm
> lightdm-gtk-greeter lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings language-selector-gnome
> synaptic apt-xapian-index software-properties-kde numix-gtk-theme
> numix-icon-theme-circle ubuntu-wallpapers qt4-qtconfig language-pack-en
> language-pack-es gdebi gwenview ksysguard kwin kde-cli-tools firefox
> ksnapshot cmst xsettingsd file-roller kde-config-gtk-style openbox p7zip
> kate qterminal xinit cups
> *Installed KCM modules (for configuring GTK, Kwin, Effects and Breeze
> Colors) without intalling KDE:*
> sudo apt-get install plasma-desktop --no-install-recommends
> *Edit the KCM modules .desktop files for GTK, Kwin, Effects and Colors to
> appear in the LXQt menu, and copy them to usr/share/applications*
> *Edit the skel directory to set the wallpaper, font and theme.*
> *Rebuild the ISO*
> --
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Graham Cantin | (408) 890-7463
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