[loco-contacts] Our teams reject the new LoCo Council policy

Rafael Carreras rcarreras at ubuntu.cat
Thu Oct 16 13:08:15 UTC 2014

2014-10-16 14:01 GMT+02:00 Pablo Rubianes <pablorubianes-uy at ubuntu.com>:
> Rafael, first of all on the Meeting you mention there was no new policy, the
> new policy was created after we had that meeting and all that
> misunderstanding took place.

That's not what the Council said at that meeting.

> The new policy clearly states that exceptions will be granted I don't
> understand why there's a problem here, as it's explicitly said that
> exceptions will be granted, that was not on the old policy and that was why
> we ask for some time in the meeting to work on this.

I only saw the clarification in this thread, not in the policy, I
suppose we'll have to be happy with that.

> And yes what was what we wanted, but as you didn't, we work to give you team
> what it wanted but you are still arguing about it, so please there's a new
> policy that let teams be Full LoCos even not being a Country and this
> arguing is taking us nowhere.


Rafael Carreras Guillén | gpg.id 2C1AF9C5

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