Coming up with another term for Approved LoCo Teams - Discussion

Bhavani Shankar R bhavi at
Mon Feb 11 09:33:32 UTC 2013

On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 1:13 PM, Benjamin Kerensa <bkerensa at> wrote:
> Am I the only person has considered that any special word for a LoCo might
> be counterproductive to the goal of advocating form use of Ubuntu?
> Let's consider this... The only changes that occur when a LoCo is approved
> is that the LoCo gets a CD pack, Table Cloth and Banner.
> All of these things are nice but they are just resources which are good for
> furthering promotion of Ubuntu. I think it has been a turn off for some
> LoCo's ( I contacted every unapproved LoCo in North America and that seemed
> to be the theme of responses) that are unapproved or who's approval lapsed
> that they had to do so much work to maintain receipt of resources which were
> not rewarding the contributors but only were being used to promote Ubuntu.
> Could the LoCo Council not just  have a form sort of like the event pack
> form to validate all CD requests and table cloths and banners (locos can
> then list recent events to show activity) while eliminating a seemingly
> two-tier advocacy program where some contributors get assets to promote the
> community and some get a label that suggests lack of validation from their
> peers?
> We should make promoting Ubuntu and advocacy through LoCo's the lowest
> hanging fruit in the field of contributing.
> So essentially I propose no special terms or labels just LoCo's all treated
> the same by the community which is most resembling of the Ubuntu ethos.

Thanks Benjamin for voicing your concerns. So summarizing the
discussion till now:

A) The original discussion was to replace approved locoteams by a
suitable word and the following alternatives were heard mostly

- sponsored.
- recognized
- official
- verified

B) The other points in the discussion which got highlighted mostly were:-

- Automation of LTP:- Already started as another thread here:

- Dropping the landscape of approved locoteams:- Can be started as a
separate discussion we believe because as per my reply to Randall's
mail, it does require a deeper thought process keeping in mind our
current processes.

Whilst point A is not resolved yet (as per the ongoing discussion on
the list), we can start of discussing on separate threads regarding
point B we believe.

Bhavani Shankar
Ubuntu Developer       |

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