Remove / Close Swiss Forum at

Lucas Betschart lucasbetschart at
Tue Oct 23 06:49:32 UTC 2012


The forum is closed now, but I'd rather have it deleted.
Can anybody point me to the person who is responsible for ?

2012/10/12 Lucas Betschart <lucasbetschart at>:
> Hi everybody,
> As announced a few days ago I'm the new LoCo contact person for Switzerland.
> The first things I'm doing is removing all the dead content from/about
> our LoCo. There are / were many unused websites with outdated content.
> I think outdated content is something really worse because new Ubuntu
> users that google something like "Ubuntu Switzerland" may think the
> community is dead because the last activity on a website was 2 years
> ago.
> The last thing I'd like to get removed is the unused Ubuntu
> Switzerland Forum in the official Ubuntu-Forums. Our main
> communication is and always was through the mailing list.
> We also don't need a forum for support, since there already are big
> support forum from other LoCo's in German, French and Italian. Could
> some forum admin please do this for me?
> As a next step, I've set up a new LoCo blog ( to reach
> the following goals:
> - Show Swiss people that there’s a active community in our country and
> try to get them involved
> - Show the activities of regional groups to the other groups (let the
> French speaking community know what the German speaking community is
> doing and vice versa)
> - Share marketing and community event  ideas with other LoCos
> - Promote our events
> - Show our activities to the rest of the (Ubuntu-) world  (you :D)
> To reach the last goal I'd like to have the blog posts referred in as
> many Ubuntu Planets as possible.
> It would be cool if you add our blog at I've set up a
> category called "Planet" for all the news relevant for the planets.
> The RSS-URL is:
> Since the planet with probably the most readers is
> I'd like to get our blog also added there. I know the planet is only
> for Ubuntu Members (which I'm not), but there are many people having
> the opportunity to promote their LoCo activities there and it would be
> great if we can do this too.
> Best regards
> Lucas

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