LoCo Content In Weekly Videocast?

Jono Bacon jono at ubuntu.com
Mon Mar 29 08:16:41 BST 2010

Hi Everyone!

As some of you will know, I do a weekly Q+A videocast every week on 
ustream.tv and I often cover some tutorial topics in the show too. As an 
example, recently I explained how to set up an Ubuntu Global Jam event.

Well, I am keen to make the show as accessible as possible and I have 
created a wiki page where you folks can make suggestions for topics for 
me to discuss on the show. I figured many of you may want to suggest 
some LoCo topics.

More details are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AtHomeWithJonoBaconTopics - 
thanks in advance! :-)


Jono Bacon
Ubuntu Community Manager
www.ubuntu.com / www.jonobacon.org
www.identi.ca/jonobacon www.twitter.com/jonobacon

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