[Fwd: LoCo websites services]
Stas Sușcov
stas at nerd.ro
Thu Mar 25 16:12:36 GMT 2010
Cross-posting it from ubuntu-website.
---------- Mesaj înaintat ----------
> De la: Stas Sușcov <stas la nerd.ro>
> Către: ubuntu-website la lists.canonical.com
> Subiect: LoCo websites services
> Data: Wed, 24 Mar 2010 03:37:56 +0200
> Hi,
> I saw that community offers for Ubuntu LoCos hosting and domains.
> Following the WordPress local sites[1] model, wouldn't be much easier
> creating some kind of service were locos can apply for an already hosted
> website (cms with theme and plugins, localised and ready for use). This
> way teams, that are mostly at early beginning, can focus on content and
> activities and leave the design/configuration stuff to the guys from the
> community who are managing those services.
> Pros:
> * no hosting/domain administration required from locos
> * no web developer knowledges required from locos
> * no upgrades/fixes/hacks for web themes after each release
> * no headaches with multiple cms's and broken, ugly designs that damage
> more than help Ubuntu brand
> * real collaboration with community, people's problems will be heard and
> they also be able to contribute if they don't want/like something
> Cons:
> * requires some time and minds to set up everything, test and deploy a
> stable version
> Here are Romanian and Russian WordPress locale sites:
> * http://ro.wordpress.org/
> * http://ru.wordpress.org/
> You can see that using hosted local sites doesn't limit you actually in
> anything.
> I'm part of core ubuntu-ro team, and maintaining the webservices and
> server since the relaunch of the team (back in ~2007), and in the same
> time I'm managing for some months the wordpress-ro project, and
> comparing to ubuntu-ro, it's a time saver for me using their web
> services. Also I was one of the guys who launched today ubuntu-md loco
> website, and I must say, having something like this could save a lot of
> time and work.
> The implementation can go as complex as to offer the whole web and email
> stack ready for locos right on activation. (I was able to automate the
> generation of postfix virtual with the loco team members email from lp
> using its api).
> Any thoughts/critic on this topic are welcomed.
> [1] http://codex.wordpress.org/International_WordPress_Sites
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