Server CD distribution (was: Ubuntu shipit)
Rafael Carreras
rcarreras at
Mon Mar 8 07:10:21 GMT 2010
2010/3/7 Jan Claeys <lists at>:
> Op zondag 07-03-2010 om 14:33 uur [tijdzone -0500], schreef Martin
> Owens:
>> I would like 300/5/30
>> We never have any interest in Kubuntu either since all the events we do
>> are for non-geeks. The odd person will sometimes ask us for a kubuntu
>> cd, but otherwise they're a box of cup coasters.
> Make that 400/0/0... ;)
In my community there are a lot of Kubuntu users, including me, and
rising. Perhaps we are quite odd.
Make that 300/150/50 :-)
Rafael Carreras Guillén | 2C1AF9C5
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