Best Practices and Guidelines

Valorie Zimmerman valorie.zimmerman at
Tue Aug 24 09:10:03 UTC 2010

On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 5:35 PM, Paul Tagliamonte <paultag at> wrote:
> Hey Contacts,
> I'd like to kick off a discussion, if I could.
> Bug #392986[1] was filed a while ago. I just closed it, and figured we
> can actually, well, follow through with this.
> The bug is about how LoCos are not Local enough. I closed the bug with
> the note that we would adopt a best practices line for how to run a
> LoCo with a city level presence ( *more* then one ).
> Since this bug is now *closed*, please do not file anything against
> this bug ( comments or otherwise ), and keep it in this thread.
> Thoughts? Opinions?
> -Paul
> [1]:

Hey Paul, we are dealing with these issues while trying to kick-start
Washington LoCo into life again. It was originally registered by the
official Contact who lives in Olympia, the capital city. However, most
of the active members are in Seattle, a couple of hours away.

Now, he's sort of rolled his work with OlyLUG into his LoCo work --
sort of leaving the rest of the state out. We Seattle folks want to
regain this state-wide focus, while having local fun in Seattle too.
It's a bit of a fine line to walk.

Yet I look three hours north, and see the *explosion* in Vancouver BC!
So that shows us what is possible, with some enthusiasm and
perseverance. I'd like to see activities all over the state, but I'm
having a bit of trouble getting events going just in Seattle, which is
an hour drive for me.

I have the enthusiasm, and just have to show the perseverance, I
guess. "Build it, and they will come."

On the naming issue - I see it as the Washington LoCo, with a Seattle
group the active bit atm. And perhaps the Olympia group too. :-)

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