We need your help!

Laura Czajkowski laura at lczajkowski.com
Sun Aug 15 11:36:47 BST 2010

Ok folks! there seems to be some confusion, tone and un pleasantries 
going on here.  Paul mailed the list asking for some help with regards 
to the Classbot Nathan Handler is working on to help loco teams. The 
reason sometimes things are sent to this list as there are more people 
on here who can help, either by helping out themselves, or passing it 
onto their teams and even encouraging others to take part in 
translations.  Yes I know we have a translations mailing list, but 
sometimes it's also nice to get new people involved and they perhaps may 
not hear of these things.

With regards to replying to daily digests, it's sometimes hard to read 
which thread it belongs to,  I've seen on other mailing lists where they 
quote the exact part they are referring to, that might be an idea.

It's also very hard to judge tone over email/irc/forums, there is also a 
large community here where English is not their first lanuage and I'm 
not sure it translates the way in which it is intended.  Please try to 
remember this when replying.    I also don't think anyone should point 
someone else to another list to post and tell them their information 
here isn't suitable for posting, we're trying on the LoCo Council to 
reach out to a wider audience in the hopes of making things more 
productive and easier for everyone involved.



Skype: lauraczajkowski

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