Jaunty Release Parties and FLISOL

Pedro Franco pmfranco at fybsistemas.ec
Sun Mar 1 16:32:57 GMT 2009

El lun, 02-03-2009 a las 09:31 +1930, Efrain escribió:
> Hello, to all LoCo contacts, this email may seem targeted to  latin
> american LoCo's out there but anyone can chip in, I would like to ask
> about your FLISOL (Festival Latinoamericano de Instalación de Software
> Libre) event and if any of you are planing to integrate it with the
> Jaunty Release party. Logistically, it has been difficult to promote
> a .04 release for the last two years. Mainly because the .04's are
> released during the same week as the event. burning CD's becomes a on
> site task and that takes up a lot of time. some people are just afraid
> of jumping onto a new release. what ideas or suggestions can you
> provide the Venezuelan LoCo team.
> Any suggstions regardng promoting jaunty on FLISOL would be appreciated.
> Efrain
Bien, en Ecuador, lo hacemos de la siguiente forma.
Hemos colaborado en dos flisoles seguidos, integrandonos al equipo
coordinador nacional y de cada provincia; en definitiva el flisol es
para integrar a toda la gran familia del software libre.
Es u hecho que el lanzamiento de las versiones en los meses de abril,
siempre han coincidido, or lo cual hemos buscado la ayuda de los
compañeros de la comunidad para hacer una colecta en dinero o en
materiales, tales como:
- Mandar a hacer camisetas.
- Imprimir tripticos y afiches, hojas volantes.
- Quemamos CD's de la ultima version estable, y la que se esta lanzando,
en sus difetentes sabores.
- Regalamos CD's de la ultima version anterior recibida de canonical.
- Impartimos charlas a todo nivel, basico, avanzado, servidores,
educativo, etc.
- Invitamos a la gente a participar mas activamente de la comunidad en
las diferentes charlas y/o eventos que se reaizan en el año.
- Realizamos concursos, donde la gente se gana articulos de recuerdo
sobre nuestra distribucion.
- Nos integramos con los diversos equipos de instalacion,
intercomunitario e interdistro, eso es el espiritu colaborativo que nos
distingue ;)
Este año, vamos a instalar 8.04.02 LTS para los que quieren mayor
soporte por años, 8.10 para los que les gusto y recomendaron, y la 9.04
para los mas entusiastas que quieren lo ultimo de lo ultimo.
Pondremos un stand comunitario e informativo en cada ciudad en la que
tengamos una comunidad local, talleres demostrativos, etc.
Tratamos de crear una base de datos de futuros mimebros, personas o
instituciones interesadas en recibir mayor informacion o difusion de
ubuntu, para tomarlas en cuenta en nuestra agenda de eventos.

Pedro Franco
Contacto Ubuntu Ecuador LoCo Team 


Well, in Ecuador, we do as follows. 
We have collaborated on two FLISOL row, the team coordinator and each
province and ultimately the FLISOL is to integrate all the great family
of free software. 
Or is made to launch versions in the months of April, have agreed, or
which we have sought the help of colleagues in the community to make a
collection in cash or materials such as: 
- Do Mandar shirts. 
- Print brochures and posters, and flyers. 
- Burn CDs of the last stable version, and they're throwing in their
difetentes flavors. 
- We give away CDs of the latest version from previous canonical. 
- To deliver lectures at all levels, basic, advanced, servers,
education, etc.. 
- Invite people to participate more actively in the community in various
talks and / or events that reaizan in the year. 
- We contests where people win souvenirs on our distribution. 
- We integrate with the various teams of installation, and inter
interdistro, that is the collaborative spirit that sets us apart;) 
This year, we will install 8.04.02 LTS for those who want more support
for years, 8.10 for those who liked and recommended, and 9.04 for
enthusiasts who want more Cutting edge. 
Will stand a community and information in each city in which we have a
local community, demonstration workshops, etc.. 
We try to create a database for future mimebros, persons or institutions
interested in receiving more information or distribution of ubuntu, to
take them into account in our event calendar.

Pedro Franco
Ubuntu Ecuador LoCo Team Contact
Educar en Libertad, para fomentar una Sociedad Libre.
Soluciones Educativas Libres, para un Ecuador Libre.
info en fybsistemas.ec
2632128, 2844263, 2841594,
087271963, 087271067

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