ShipIt Requests For LoCo Team Events

Laura Czajkowski laura at
Thu Dec 17 13:30:40 GMT 2009

Chris, fact of the matter is nobody can ever cater for 100% audience.  We
ecourage people to burn their own cd's so while handing them out to a class,
say take one among a group of students and share it or copy it, or here's
where to download the cd. 

skype: lauraczajkowski

--------- Original Message --------
From: Ubuntu local community team LoCo contacts
<loco-contacts at>
To: Ubuntu local community team LoCo contacts
<loco-contacts at>
Subject: Re: ShipIt Requests For LoCo Team Events
Date: 17/12/09 11:33

> 2009/12/17 Alan Pope &lt;alan at;:
> &gt; 2009/12/17 Laura Czajkowski &lt;laura at;:
> &gt;&gt; To encourage people who've never had a cd before they would get
> &gt;&gt; as if you're using Ubuntu you're more than likely be able to burn
a cd.
> &gt;&gt; It&amp;rsquo;s not feasible to sustain sending 100&amp;rsquo;s of
cd&amp;rsquo;s.  There is of course the
> &gt;&gt; option  to recive the Pack B for Non-Approved Loco Teams contain
> &gt;&gt;
> &gt;&gt;
> &gt;
> &gt; It does kind of make a mockery of the whole idea of approving LoCo
> &gt; teams if an unapproved one can get a bunch of CDs - and still have
> &gt; left over - and still order another 200. I can't help but think it's
> &gt; little unfair on those teams which the Community Council and LoCo
> &gt; Council have approved over the years.
> &gt;
> &gt; Cheers,
> &gt; Al.
> First of all,  apologies to Maria for spelling her name wrong in my
> reply,  I have obviously been playing too many video games in my time.
>  As for popey's and Jan's responses to the issue,  yes it may seem
> like the request is huge and completely unneccessary however with
> around 300 discs,  we will only be catering for 1% of the attendees of
> the event and I'm sure as anything hoping that we can at least get an
> extra 50 community members out of the 300 or so people that we manage
> to talk to regarding Ubuntu and eventually help by giving them a
> professional looking disc.  In reality it matters not whether or not
> your status is &quot;official&quot; when both official and unofficial
LoCos have
> the drive to build up their communities and to help spread a good word
> about their favourite distribution to people who are interested in
> technology.
> Regards,
> Chris.
> -- 
> loco-contacts mailing list
> loco-contacts at

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