Help promoting Ubuntu Global Jam

Jono Bacon jono at
Thu Aug 20 08:00:37 BST 2009

On 08/19/2009 10:58 PM, Nick Ali wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 10:20 PM, Jono Bacon<jono at>  wrote:
>> I wanted to see what ideas you folks have for better spreading the word
>> and to see if anyone would like to help?
> I think there are 4 things we could work on:
> 1) LoCos should not feel they have to do all themes. If the LoCo is
> comfortable with one or two of the themes, they can work on that. Of
> course, they can use the GJ as an opportunity to expose attendees to
> different themes.
Indeed. I think we can improve the documentation to clarify this. Could 
you have a look into this, Nick?
> 2) Web badges. Similar to what is being done for Developer Week:
> and
Yes indeed! Would anyone like to do these? Adolfo, could you ask Byron 
Corrales to weave his magic? ;-)
> 3) Videos. Jono's video on running a jam was well received. We should
> do something similar for GJ.
Absolutely, anyone else want to help with this?
> 4) Have fun! After the event, have something social to do, go for
> food, go to a pub, anything that will encourage attendees to spend
> time together.
That kind of thing is so important. Maybe we should generally talk more 
about this in #ubuntu-locoteams?


Jono Bacon
Ubuntu Community Manager /

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