loco-contacts Digest, Vol 42, Issue 17

PrivateVoid indigo196 at rochester.rr.com
Sat Nov 22 12:04:58 GMT 2008

> Message: 1
> Date: Sat, 22 Nov 2008 12:25:10 +0100
> From: Savvas <vicedar at gmail.com>
> Subject: events wiki tracker using categories
> To: "Ubuntu local community team (LoCo) contacts"
> 	<loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Message-ID:
> 	<ac0773110811220325s69560027kd17c212707b2b9a7 at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> I don't know if anyone else posted a similar solution, but if you
> would like to create an events page that separates them as Upcoming
> and Past, I've found a simple solution without having to move or
> rename wiki pages - using categories on each page.
> For example:
> The wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CypriotTeam/Events/IntrepidReleaseParty
> has these two footnote lines:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CypriotTeam/Events/IntrepidReleaseParty?action=raw
> "----
> CypriotTeam CategoryEvents ReleaseParties IntrepidReleaseParties
> CategoryCypriotTeamPastEvents"
> Categories are added at the footer area, after the four dashes "-" and
> they are separated by space.
> Note the last category, "CategoryCypriotTeamPastEvents".
> If you go to the events tracker page:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CypriotTeam/Events/
> (or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CypriotTeam/Events?action=raw )
> ..you will notice the following code (within a table wiki format) for
> upcoming events:
> "<<PageList(category:CategoryCypriotTeamUpcomingEvents
> regex:^CypriotTeam/Events)>>"
> ..and this for past events:
> "<<PageList(category:CategoryCypriotTeamPastEvents regex:^CypriotTeam/Events)>>"
> The "category:" means it searches for that category and the "regex:"
> field searches and matches a specific set of pages to look for the
> category - for the above example, the subpages of CypriotTeam/Events
> wiki page. Combining category and regex really speeds up the results,
> so it's recommended to use them both if doing such searching.
> As you can see, it's pretty easy to track down and easily edit and
> simply change its category and it automagically gets listed in "Past
> Events". Hope someone will make a good use out of this! :)
> Cheers,
> Savvas aka medigeek

Very nice! I sense much editing in my future.

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