Legal entity

Jad madi jad at
Wed May 7 13:39:58 BST 2008

You don't have to register your LoCo team as a legal entity and I
guess Canonical would have a problem in such thing but establishing a
legal entity owned/managed by the members of the LoCo team is a good

What LoCo teams is doing by publicizing Ubuntu is opening people eyes
and drawing their attention; many of the audience might consider
shifting IT infrastructure to Ubuntu and not having a legal entity to
contract with to do this task would weaken publicizing Ubuntu because
many managers prefer to contract with a local legal entity rather than
online technical support

I believe, LoCo team members can establish a legal entity to provide
commercial support themselves if they are Ubuntu Certified Engineers
or doing a mediation between Canonical Commercial support and the

Please note that a legal entity can be an NGO, Company or a
governmental department; in our case, Ubuntu-Jo the Royal Scientific
Society offered to give us that legal entity coverage, lab, office and
a library :D THEY ROCK

Soon we will start operating from RSS :-)
Jad/Hakam Madi


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