Everyone! LoCo Team Reports

Julius Bloch juliux at ubuntu-de.org
Thu Jan 31 08:10:41 GMT 2008


Am Donnerstag, den 31.01.2008, 01:23 -0500 schrieb Martin Owens:
> Question: What is the purpose of these reports?

Good Question.

From my point I see no benefit in creating reports. I think there are better things to do then writing
reports about what has be done in the last weeks.
I also think that there is not one person who can write the reports for the whole LocoTeam, so there are
more people who wasting time in opening a wikipage, thinking what the team did the last weeks, writing it 
down and so on.
I also don't know who will read hundred reports from LocoTeams.

just my 0.02€


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