Ubuntu Florida Change of Contact

Chris Rohde christopher.rohde at gmail.com
Mon Jan 7 04:38:30 GMT 2008

Hey folks,

For those of you who weren't at tonight's meeting (and those who have  
no reason to be, as I am also sending this to the US Teams and LoCo  
Contacts Lists), tonight I passed on contact for the Florida Team to  
Dan Trevino (Dantalizing).

Due to time constraints making me miss several meetings and, in  
general, be less involved lately, I decided that the best thing for  
the team was to pass it on to someone else so the Florida Team can  
continue to show the incredible growth it has shown over the past year.

I will still be around, and will contribute when possible, but I  
thought this change, stepping back and letting someone else have a go,  
would be the best thing for the team and for the project.

See you around freenode!

Chris Rohde (bordy)
c: (941) 256-3448

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