Loco Council, or an alternative idea of what it could be :)

Kevin Cole kjcole at ubuntu.com
Sun Sep 30 01:57:37 BST 2007

Alan Pope wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, 2007-09-27 at 14:40 +0100, Yann wrote:
>> - Canonical hosting sucks. You have the choice between poor dedicated
>> servers or being in canonical's datacenter and stick to 3 or 4 apps. 
> It might suck for you, but it doesn't suck for me. Ok, I use an app that
> is on the list so I am "lucky", but on top of that I get tonnes of
> bandwidth and I get access to some great admins to help me when I need
> it.

Finally catching up on all this LoCo mail... Where's the "list of apps"
and are those approved apps running on the Canonical data center servers?
Our group is hosted there, and I'm just trying to get a feel for how much
beyond static HTML we can go.  (We previously had a site that wasn't
at Canonical, using PHP, PostgreSQL and Python and are looking for ways to
get some of that "magic" back in a secure manner.)

 Kevin Cole                    |  Key ID: 0xE6F332C7
 Ubuntu Linux DC LoCo Team     |     WWW: http://dc.ubuntu-us.org/

           ". ! 1 |" -- Rene Magritte's computer

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