LoCo donations idea
Julius Bloch
juliux at ubuntu-de.org
Thu Sep 27 18:32:44 BST 2007
Am Donnerstag, den 27.09.2007, 13:23 -0300 schrieb Rafael Proença:
> Why money for LoCo?
Hm perhaps to print flyers, shirts, pay shipping cost, produce
> If we start messing up the *community* with *money* (yep, donation is
> all about the money),
> we are probably going to nowhere than, at the very least, cause
> trouble between the members.
If you have clear responsibilities and a legal structure you can handle
booth without any problems. See ubuntu-de and ubuntu-fr we have
locoteams with people, community and money.
Untile now the money helps a lot in daily work. For example the locoteam
has a booth at a national fair. For this booth you need some CDs, if you
have luck you get some from shipit. Perhaps you also need posters,
flyers, stickers. Who should pay this? Yes you can pay this from your
own money. But not if you have up to 10 fairs a year. Another thing is
what are you doing if a visitor comes to your booth and sais "I love
Ubuntu, Ubuntu rocks". And he want to make a donation. Should you say
"Oh sorry sir we are running a loco team without money"? In this
situation it is good to have an Ubuntu sssociation(local or global). You
can take the donation and everybody knows that this donation goes to the
association and not in a private wallet.
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