LoCo donations idea

Julius Bloch juliux at ubuntu-de.org
Thu Sep 27 18:23:44 BST 2007

Hi All,

Am Donnerstag, den 27.09.2007, 11:06 -0500 schrieb Richard A. Johnson:

> What if we work with Canonical on this. If a company wants to donate, have 
> them donate to the Ubuntu Foundation or Canonical, and then Canonical/Ubuntu 
> can then distribute the funds or equipment to the team where the donation was 
> meant for?

My experiences are that canonical is not the fastes company on earth.
So what should a loco, for examle ubuntu-fr and ubuntu-de, do if they
need some money in a few daies to buy a new server for the websites?(see
In the paste there was no time to wait that the money can transfered
from france/germany to the uk and then back. By the way tranfering money
from on country to an other cost a lot of fees.

An other point is that Canonical is a company. And I think you can´ t
make a donation from one company to an other.

The Ubuntu foundation is more a trust, and the foundation is not yet
active. So the fundation can´ t help I guess.

From the view of the german locoteam I can say there is no other way
then having a community controlled and driven organisation for handling

just my 0.02€

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