LoCo donations idea

Richard A. Johnson nixternal at ubuntu.com
Thu Sep 27 17:06:55 BST 2007

You know, I have been seeing this whole storm about becoming a not-for-profit 
due to not being able to legally accept donations. I know creating such a 
business would be darn close to impossible in the US, so I just thought of 

What if we work with Canonical on this. If a company wants to donate, have 
them donate to the Ubuntu Foundation or Canonical, and then Canonical/Ubuntu 
can then distribute the funds or equipment to the team where the donation was 
meant for?

I think this has potential now that I think about it. Canonical and the Ubuntu 
Foundation have everything already setup in order to do so. It may prolong 
the time it takes to get the donation, but it would be legal and overall much 
easier than attempting the other idea that has been thrown around.

Just my 2 cents, what does everyone else think?

Richard A. Johnson
nixternal at ubuntu.com
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