Ubuntu LOCO

Jocelyn jhabib at gmail.com
Mon May 14 21:35:12 BST 2007

i am just asking about it not for that only , my question was related to the
embargo  done on them , so should it be a problem , or they are welcome , so
i think in my opinion that ubuntu should speak linux not other then that no
politics , no race , no religion , isnt it



On 5/14/07, David Overcash <funnylookinhat at gmail.com> wrote:
> I think the question was more along the lines of the legality of them
> being able have a team in the country of Sudan in terms of the
> restrictions with the government there.
> While I am not fully aware of the situation of the government in the
> Sudan, from what I do know I think that they would have more on their
> mind than to stop a group of people from using a specific operating
> system.  With all of the turmoil, (recent) genocide, and food
> shortages, a LoCo team (even if it would be illegal) could easily fall
> through the cracks of what the government would care to concern itself
> with.
> I think it would be best if someone from the country itself asked this
> list knowing better than us outsiders the restrictions on people in
> that country.
> Cheers,
> David Overcash
> On 5/14/07, Dean Sas <dean at deansas.org> wrote:
> > Jocelyn wrote:
> > > Dear all ,
> > >
> > > i was talking online with some linux users in sudan asking that if
> they
> > > can make a Ubuntu LOCO there , i just wanted to ask my self is they
> > > allowed to work on an LOCO their cause as per what they know and in
> > > their mind this is forbidden for them . please advise ,
> >
> > As long as there isn't a pre-existing loco team in that country, anyone
> > is free to start a team. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamHowto
> >
> > Dean
> >
> >
> > --
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