
Szilveszter Farkas szilveszter.farkas at
Thu Sep 7 08:30:26 BST 2006

Hi Jono and LoCo people,

first I'd like to congratulate for your new job, Jono. I hope you'll
be able to push the community to or even beyond its limits :)

Please let me introduce myself, and the activities of the
not-yet-official Hungarian LoCo Team. The whole LoCo Team was started
because of the localisation, but nowadays it's much more than just
pushing translations to Rosetta. We have built a community site
(, which has a wiki with many useful howtos and articles
about various topics, and a forum which has been pretty active for
more than 9 months now (you have to know that most distro's community
homepages die after several weeks in Hungary). With the support of a
free cable television channel we were running a series about Ubuntu,
there were about 4-5 episodes. Our latest big hit is the Hungarian
Ubuntu Conferece, where many well-known community developers have
accepted our invitation - we'll have an English language section, so
everyone is invited, maybe our neighbours could use the chance to come
and visit Budapest while having some Ubuntu fun (please see this page
for further information: I'd like
to thank Mark and Canonical to let all this happen...

I think the Hungarian Team performs pretty well despite the few active
members (around 8-10 people taking part in the actions mentioned
above). The conference will be good opportunity to bring in some more
fresh power...

Szilveszter Farkas / phanatic

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