how we can help
Ondrej Sury
ondrej at
Wed Aug 10 09:40:32 CDT 2005
well I second this proposal and and my own. It would be far far cheaper
if LoCo team was distributing official CDs in their country, ie. ShipIt
will gather all requests from specific country and bunch of CDs would be
sent to LoCo team. LoCo team would then distribute those CD among
people and Canonical will pay postage (according to papers supplied).
Ondrej (from not-yet-created Czech LoCo Team)
On Wed, 2005-08-10 at 09:32 -0500, Ian wrote:
> hi
> rather than sending a pack to each team maybe it will be better for the
> LoCo teams to make the kits in their country...for example it is cheap
> here in Brazil to get a banner made but very expensive to post such a banner
> from outside the country...also we have some of our own ubuntu branding/images
> which we want to use which would not be appropriate anywhere else but
> Brazil.
> Maybe if canonical get's some design templates made for how the banners/t-shirt
> should look (so that we have some common design features) and then each LoCo team can look for
> local suppliers...after this we can submit
> estimates of cost to Jane who can then give the go-ahead or not.
> []'s
> Ian
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQBC+fpQLhF/sc5WArIRAqxgAJ9WGYQlu4uNY6gNp8+ITqzzXJbI2QCfWQ+J
> WIiHycKP7aUZaVKvL8gZ+6Q=
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> --
> .''`.
> : :' :
> `. `'`
> `- Cultura não é sabonete. Cultura não é a mesma coisa q uma bolsa ou um
> carro. Cultura não deve ser mercadoria.
Ondrej Sury <ondrej at>
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