how we can help
Andrew VanSpronsen
avanspronsen at
Mon Aug 8 15:25:21 CDT 2005
This is a great idea. To be able to get a conference pack to help in our
promotion and evangelism of Ubuntu at local conferences would be very
welcomed. This would certainly make putting together a professional looking
presence that draws in attendees a lot easier. Who doesn't like swag ;-)
Ideas? What about customized content for different LoCo groups? Even if just
customized business card sized handouts with details about the LoCo group.
On 8/8/05, Jane Silber <jane.silber at> wrote:
> Hi all,
> We at Canonical are going to put a program in place to help out the
> various LoCo teams. What we are thinking of is having a "conference
> pack" that gets sent to each LoCo team that would include a banner,
> maybe some t-shirts, and maybe some other small give-aways for
> conferences (e.g., stickers). What else would you like to see us
> provide? (remember we can't do everything, so some rough consensus on
> priorities would be helpful)
> I'm not sure yet how we will work the logistics of this - e.g., if we
> sent out a pack once a year (for example) or if you ask us for stuff for
> each conference. If we send to the contact person of each team, can you
> then distribute and track within your group (e.g., the banner will
> likely be a high quality, reusable one so someone needs to track it).
> Any suggestions you have would be appreciated.
> We are also trying to sort out a solution to providing servers for
> webhosting for each LoCo team. Will keep you posted on that.
> Cheers,
> Jane
> --
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> loco-contacts at
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