how we can help
vern at
Mon Aug 8 15:01:02 CDT 2005
disse --> Matthew East
Hi Jane
>> We at Canonical are going to put a program in place to help out the
>> various LoCo teams. What we are thinking of is having a "conference
>> pack" that gets sent to each LoCo team that would include a banner,
>> maybe some t-shirts, and maybe some other small give-aways for
>> conferences (e.g., stickers).
you cannot believe how popular this will be in Brazil...this is *such* good news i dont know what
to say...can we have a pack for the III Free software Meeting in Amazonas 12 13 14 October...
ps we will need to organise some crowd control barriers or we will have a stampede to deal with
: :' :
`. `'`
`- Cultura não é sabonete. Cultura não é a mesma coisa q uma bolsa ou um
carro. Cultura não deve ser mercadoria.
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