Upcoming Launchpad down-time: 26th March and 1st April

Matthew Revell matthew.revell at canonical.com
Tue Mar 24 17:37:29 GMT 2009

We have some planned maintenance and the release of a new version of
Launchpad coming up, both of which will mean a short period of

PPAs offline for 30 minutes on the 26th of March

We’re upgrading one of the servers we use to provide Personal Package
Archives, which will result in 30 minutes of down-time on Thursday
26th March.

Going offline: 16.00 UTC 26th March
Expected back: 16.30 UTC 26th March

During that time, you’ll be unable to upload to or download from
Personal Package Archives.

Launchpad offline for one hour on the 1st of April

We’re releasing the latest version of Launchpad — 2.2.3 — on the 1st
of April. All of Launchpad will be offline for around an hour while we
roll-out the new code to our servers.

Going offline: 22.00 UTC 1st April
Expected back: 23.00 UTC 1st April

Matthew Revell - Launchpad.net - free software collaboration and project hosting

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