Launchpad 2.1.9: profile page maps and more karma

Matthew Revell matthew.revell at
Thu Sep 18 16:55:08 BST 2008

The Launchpad team is proud to announce the release of
Launchpad 2.1.9!

In this release, we have:

 * Karma for code reviews: earn karma when you take part in code
   reviews in Launchpad. For more on code reviews,

 * Maps on profile pages: see straight away where in the world
   other people are thanks to new profile page maps.

Setting your location on the map is easy: visit your profile page
( and click to plant your flag.
It'll show up both on your own profile and on the map of any
teams you're part of.

The maps aren't just for fun: they also make it easier to decide
on meeting times and possible locations for physical meet-ups.
Take a look at the Launchpad Developers team for an example:

Full details of Launchpad 2.1.9

Full details of the features and bug fixes that went into this
release are on the Launchpad 2.1.9 milestone page:

If you come across any bugs in Launchpad, please report them

We'll be releasing Launchpad 2.1.10 on October 15th. In the mean
time, join us in #launchpad on Freenode and on the
launchpad-users mailing list:

Matthew Revell - - free software collaboration and project hosting

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