Kubuntu 24.94 LTS released. Not possible yet to upgrade from 22.04?

Little Girl littlergirl at gmail.com
Fri May 3 13:30:47 UTC 2024

Hey there,

Sorin Srbu wrote:
>Little Girl wrote:

>> Lenovo tends to ship with secure-boot enabled and that can
>> interfere with WiFi:
>Huh, imagine that. Didn't occur to me at all that wifi might be
>affected by secure boot too. Thanks for the find!

It apparently has something to do with driver-incompatibility and
third-party drivers seem to be the most problematic.

A search for "Secure Boot" with "Ubuntu" is encouraging, though. It
looks like most of the kinks have been ironed out and it can usually
be left enabled. I didn't realize that.

>I usually disable secure boot since ages, before installing a new
>computer with anything linux. Maybe this is why I haven't had wifi
>problems before.

It could be.

Mine is currently disabled and, like yours, has been from the start.
Perhaps I should try enabling it to see if anything breaks. In this
household, it can sometimes be considered a sport to see how far
something can be "stretched" before it "breaks" and then figure out
how to recover from it, which can sometimes be rather challenging.

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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