Transitioned from years of Windows O/S to Kubuntu

Charles T. Bell cbell44 at
Thu Jan 25 18:40:34 UTC 2018

On 01/24/2018 06:55 PM, Doug wrote:
> On 01/24/2018 04:03 PM, James L. Parmenter wrote:
>> Hi All;
>>          I'm 68 yr old white male who's been using Windows since
>> Windows for Work Groups 3.1.1 I just installed Kubuntu 16.04.3 on my
>> Laptop. I've done in the terminal Konsole, sudo apt-get update and
>> sudo apt-get upgrade, Discover has updated 259 updates automatically.
>> I've re-booted twice since my install. I've searched the Internet for
>> things (guides) to do after fresh install, but not sure about some of
>> the advice..? I've read some e-books about "how to's" yet not much
>> info on setting up the system for an everyday PC usage... I read an
>> article about KDE 5.8.8 and some backports..? being available from the
>> PPA..? Haven't installed it yet, PPA's leave me a bit weary. I've
>> tried Synaptic Package Manager but removed it cuz I don't know what to
>> look for..? No problems w/install, so this is NOT Tech Support... just
>> asking for advice for a "good System"..!  Thanks in  advance,
>> James...
> Well, James, I think you have made a BIG mistake. Synaptic is a real
> useful app. It allows you to find and install a whole galaxy of programs
> (apps) that you will find useful while you explore and use
> your Linux system.  And KDE 5.x is quite similar to Windows in the way
> it works. If you like to put icons on screen to help you jump right into
> an application, you can do that, or if you don't, you can
> use the Application Menu in the lower left corner of the screen, where
> Windows has the Start icon.  (FYI: Linux users like to call the screen
> the "desktop"--maybe that's a Microsoft word, I don't know.
> The "tray" or "systray" (which is usually along the bottom edge of the
> screen in KDE) is usually called the "panel" in Linux.
> What to do after a fresh install, you seem to have done: you got all the
> updates. After that, what you do is find programs that let you do
> whatever you used to do with Windows. There are certainly
> Linux routines that copy the same kind of routines that you used in
> Windows--sometimes better! You'll find almost all of them in your
> Synaptic, once you have reinstalled it!  (Since you no longer have it,
> try sudo apt-get install synaptic--I hope that works.)
> --doug
I would recommend using apt-get:
apt-cache search <word>	(Where <word> is the type of program you are
looking for, just eliminate the carets)
apt-cache show <program>	(Where <program> is the program you wish to see
information about)
apt-get install <program> 	(To install <program>)
You can also use: man apt-get and man apt-cache for instructions
The use of "apt-get update" will update the local list.
The use of "apt-get dist-upgrade" will upgrade all the programs on the
system including the OS.
Otherwise, "apt-get upgrade" will upgrade only the programs.
Good luck!

Charles Bell
"There are lies, damned lies and alternative facts!"
-- me  (with apologies to Mark Twain)
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