Transitioned from years of Windows O/S to Kubuntu

James L. Parmenter jamparm at
Thu Jan 25 14:49:58 UTC 2018

Dear Responders;
                          Doug, Clay, Leroy, Billie: Thank you all so much
for your replies...! =)  I have re-Installed Synaptic Package Manger-I'll
have to learn how to use it..! I do very carefully watch the dates on
postings of articles and whether they are related or apply to 16.04 dist. I
also installed UcareSystem-core 4.3.0 that'll take of the maintenence
giving me more time to investigate and learn new things. I like a
challenge, and I was finding Win to be a very lax in able to troubleshoot
problems and I didn't care for Win 10 at all. In all,  although I'm not
real fond of Desktops full of little icon's, a few here and there w/no
clutter is fine. My pc usage is geared to email, Internet Browsing, buying
stuff on-line (since my town doesn't carry the items I want or need) they
have to order it, it'll be in, in about 2 weeks..! Ha..! UPS-or USPS-2 to 3
days.! Sometimes, shipping is outrageous.! I do research on Survival,
Prepping, Ammo, Photography, RV's, Outdoor and Tactical Gear, Health foods,
Water purification, etc., for my own knowledge... nothing professional
wise, just common knowledge. I also research Solar power and it's
components, Off-Grid living, The Lost Ways, and related information. Being
retired I like to keep busy doing something like hiking, camping, local
travel, repairing the RV, keeping warm (it's 11 degrees F here) brrr.... NM
Winters, chatting with my RV Park Neighbors, shopping, etc., nothing
fancy..! Can't afford too much on SSA Retirement, no nest egg, it broke yrs
     Again, thanks for all the info you've provided... it'll give me some
new ideas and things to check out about Kubuntu 16.04.03 Dist. I just could
not find a whole lot on the web it all related to Ubuntu, which I know that
Kubuntu is another flavor of Ubuntu w/different options.
     *Billie: I did my Genealogy a long time ago, my ancestors came from
France in the 1400's. They moved to England in the early 1500's and then on
to New England in 1539. They settled in Sudbury, MA. a suburb of Boston and
we spread out from there. As you may already know, the spelling and English
wasn't too good in those days, I loved reading the last "Wills and
Testamates" of the old farmers who left items to their Families and trying
to cypher their mispelled words...! Very interesting reading..! We found or
had 420 records in our Family Tree..! One of us was a horse theif, he got
caught, the prisons here were full so they sent him to Australia via ship
to serve his time there. He stayed there and raised a family. Other's were
Rum Runners, Tavern/Inn keepers, tailors, glovers, and of course farmers.
Some of the farmers had 18 to 20 children..! Some of the youngest died at
early ages due to sickness/plagues, Yellow Fever was mentioned a lot as was
other causes not known to new settlers in those times...just called a

On Wed, Jan 24, 2018 at 10:36 PM, Billie Walsh <bilwalsh at> wrote:

> On 01/24/2018 03:03 PM, James L. Parmenter wrote:
>> Hi All;
>>          I'm 68 yr old white male who's been using Windows since Windows
>> for Work Groups 3.1.1 I just installed Kubuntu 16.04.3 on my Laptop. I've
>> done in the terminal Konsole, sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade,
>> Discover has updated 259 updates automatically. I've re-booted twice since
>> my install. I've searched the Internet for things (guides) to do after
>> fresh install, but not sure about some of the advice..? I've read some
>> e-books about "how to's" yet not much info on setting up the system for an
>> everyday PC usage... I read an article about KDE 5.8.8 and some
>> backports..? being available from the PPA..? Haven't installed it yet,
>> PPA's leave me a bit weary. I've tried Synaptic Package Manager but removed
>> it cuz I don't know what to look for..? No problems w/install, so this is
>> NOT Tech Support... just asking for advice for a "good System"..!  Thanks
>> in  advance,
>> James...
> Doug gave you some good advice. I also recommend Synaptic over the
> standard KDE package management. I find that he KDE package management
> can't find all that's available. Just type what your looking for into the
> search box. Want graphics, type graphics. You don't need to know a name.
> Just what you want.
> What you do from this point depends on what you want to do with your
> computer.
> Me, I do genealogy and related web sites. Also some history . Towards that
> end I use Bluefish as a web page editor. There's another helper called
> Cssed to edit cascading style sheets. Unfortunately KDE/Kubuntu doesn't
> support it but Debian does so I use it from there. I also find KDE's FTP
> program to be somewhat less than what I want so I use Gftp from the Gnome
> desktop. The whole point here is that you have all the choices. You know
> what you want to use your computer for and you can find and use whatever
> works best for you.
> --
> "The time has come," the Walrus said,
> "To talk of many things:
> Of shoes-and ships-and sealing-wax-
> Of cabbages-and kings--
> And why the sea is boiling hot-
> And whether pigs have wings."
> Lewis Carroll
> _ _...  ..._ _
> _._  ._  .....  ._..  ...  .._
> --
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