Transitioned from years of Windows O/S to Kubuntu

Leroy Tennison leroy_tennison at
Thu Jan 25 05:04:00 UTC 2018

On 01/24/2018 05:43 PM, James L. Parmenter wrote:
> David;
>            Truthfully.......I don't recall ever asking anyone if they care or
> not, you wan to be a snob..? Find some other place to be snobish...!!!!!
> On Wed, Jan 24, 2018 at 4:07 PM, David Fletcher <dave at
> <mailto:dave at>> wrote:
>      On Wed, 2018-01-24 at 14:03 -0700, James L. Parmenter wrote:
>      > Hi All;
>      >          I'm 68 yr old white male
>      Don't remember ever before seeing anybody specify their skin colour in
>      an opening post on an open source computing mailing list.
>      Are we supposed to care?
>      --
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> I can't say if it will help but I almost always do (after sudo -i) 
> apt-get update;apt-get upgrade;apt-get dist-upgrade;apt-get 
> autoremove.  I will say that the terminal prompt isn't the easiest 
> thing to learn but applaud you for making the effort.  If there is a 
> linux user's group in your area I would also encourage you to get 
> involved in it in addition to mailing lists.  There's a lot to learn 
> (and you never really get there) but you've made the right start.

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