Can mount cifs share

Carlos Baptista cbaptista at
Mon Mar 20 11:03:08 UTC 2017

Hi all,

I am trying to access a cifs share but I always have the same error:

#sudo mount -o username=teste,uid=teste,gid=teste // zfs02 / images / mnt
#mount error (13): Permission denied
#Refer to the mount.cifs (8) manual page (eg man mount.cifs)

I've tried several options, domain=dominio, noperm, 
username=domain\\teste, all with the same result.
If I use the dolphin to access I have no problems.

I have more cifs mounts on this machine with no problems. This cifs 
share is an solaris samba share.

Kubuntu 16.10
Kernel 4.8.0-42-generic

Does anyone have a suggestion?

Carlos Baptista

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