Shall we drop i386 / 32-bit? If you think no, please test

David Lang david at
Mon Jul 3 01:42:55 UTC 2017

There have been a few odd corner cases, but just about everything in userspace 
doesn't care if the kernel is 32 bit or 64 bit. People started running 64 bit 
kernels with 32 bit userspace fairly early on, and it's only gotten better.

The bigger reason for running 32 bit is that you are on either very old 
hardware, or an embedded system that's really small/cheap hardware.

I would question if anyone is running KDE/Kubuntu on new, small/cheap 32bit 
x86 hardware (there are a lot of people running on 32 bit ARM hardware)

But there are probably a lot of old laptops/desktops around that aren't 64 bit 
(but they are getting quite old by now). There are two questions about this 

1. is there enough of it to have kubuntu worry about it

2. is the performance of kubuntu on such limited hardware (memory and cpu) worth 

Remember, we are talking about single-core system, most of which will only have 
a GB or two of ram (4G max except for corner cases that are messy to support)

Linux will continue to run on these systems, the question is if the KDE desktop 
will run in such limited resource environments.

David Lang

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