Help needed testing newest bugfix release of Plasma on Kubuntu 17.04

Valorie Zimmerman valorie.zimmerman at
Wed Aug 23 02:45:48 UTC 2017

Are you using Kubuntu 17.04, our current release? Help us test a new
bugfix release for KDE Plasma! Go here for more details:

Unfortunately that page illustrates Xenial and Ubuntu Unity rather
than Zesty in Kubuntu. Using Discover or Muon, use Settings > More and
enter your password, and ensure that Pre-release updates
(zesty-proposed) is ticked in the Updates tab.

Or from the commandline, you can modify the software sources manually
by adding the following line to /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb zesty-proposed restricted main
multiverse universe

If you are going to be testing from proposed frequently, you might try
the pinning process as described on the wiki page about how to enable
proposed. Otherwise, you can just

sudo apt update and then sudo apt install packagename/zesty-proposed
for each of the packages listed in the bug report:

If you do not pin, remove the proposed repository immediately after
you finish installing the test packages, or you risk wrecking your
system in interesting ways.

Please report your findings on the bug report. If you need some
guidance on how to structure your report, please see Testing is
very important to the quality of the software Ubuntu and Kubuntu
developers package and release.

We need your help to get this important bug-fix release out the door
to all of our users.

Thanks! Please stop by the Kubuntu-devel IRC channel[1] or Telegram
group[2] if you need clarification of any of the steps to follow.


1. irc://



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