Mounting Windows With My Kubuntu.

Richard Barmann reb at
Sat Sep 3 04:40:45 UTC 2016

On 09/03/2016 01:17 AM, Doug wrote:
> On 09/02/2016 10:33 PM, Richard Barmann wrote:
>> I have one hard drive (158GB---144GB free.) /dev/sda1 partition Linux
>> (Bootable).  Ext4  ---Mounted at filesystem root. I am thinking of
>> mounting Window98 along side Kubuntu on this drive.
>> I have a 80GB Hard Drive  with my Data on with 38GB free. /dev/sdb1.
>> I need to mount my Windows 98 so I can convert 465 35mm Slides from the
>> past that I found in a window seat. Had been forgotten about. I may find
>> it easier to pay Walmart 22 cents apiece to convert.
>> I am open to all suggestions or ADVICE.
>> Dick
> I don't know why you couldn't use Linux to convert your slides to any
> one of a batch of common formats. I don't know how you intend to scan
> them in—it would take a while one-at-a-time.
> I have an Epson Perfection V300 Photo that can scan about 6 at a time,
> and is designed to do that, as well as conventional scanning. It's
> been around for quite a while so might be available
> cheap on eBay, but I haven't looked. There might be some device
> designed to scan slides in quantity, maybe from a tray, like a slide
> projector. Worth Googling! (Then you would surely
> need a compatible program, and it's probably only available for
> Windows, and my bet is a late version, not W98.)
> But it's still going to be quite a bit of work, and $107 + tax, if
> any, would appear like a cheap solution compared to the alternative.
> But you didn't mention what format(s) you desire the
> scanned images in—jpeg files, or paper prints, or what? If you want
> paper prints, then Walmart is obviously the way to go, but then you
> don't have any way to modify—touch up—the pictures, or
> to obtain multiple copies. (Of course, you can always bring selected
> slides back for copies.) OTOH, if Walmart provides jpeg or similar
> output files, then you have the same problem you had in
> the first instance—doing it yourself—how do you get output you can
> display and share around.
> Just a quick analysis. Hope it's useful.
> --doug
> Thanks for the info. I want to get then in the PC so I can put them on
> a cd/dvd. I would seprate them into goups as I do not remember what is
> on them.I started taking the 35mm pictures when my wife and I married
> in 1961. Memories get lost as we move down generations. I wrote a
> letter to my grand-children and great- grandchildren telling them what
> I did before they were born. I may put it on my home page before I go.

> my home page one day before I go.

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