Kubuntu takes over 5 minutes to boot up

Karsten Loh karsten.loh at gmx.de
Mon Jul 25 04:56:15 UTC 2016

If it takes you several minutes to get to the BIOS screen the problem is
likely not with Kubuntu, might be a dying HD.

Also do you dual boot with Windows10? Because that is also a cause for
long waits during boot. (Windows 10 achieves it's fast boot times with a
trick, it does not really shut down, but goes into sort of a hibernation
state. So if you boot into another OS after running Win10 you first have
to wait for it to wake up and then actually power down, before the boot
process of the other OS can even start to commence.)




Evil Overlord Rule #132: Before appointing someone as my trusted lieutenant, I will conduct a thorough background investigation and security clearance. 

On 25.07.2016 00:33, Richard Barmann wrote:
> On 07/24/2016 06:03 PM, bmarsh at bmarsh.com wrote:
>>> On Jul 24, 2016, at 5:58 PM, Richard Barmann <reb68 at att.net> wrote:
>>> I am using Kubuntu 16.04 and have installed any updates that show
>>> up. Now I can turn off Kubuntu with the shutdown shown in the drop
>>> down menu shown in the list of programs . I first close all running
>>> programs and the do the Power/Session/shutdown. Is this something I
>>> have picked up in the updates. It was not like this until about 6
>>> weeks ago.
>>> Thank you for any help
>> Confusion here....   You complain about boot-up and only talk about
>> shutdown.
>> I was explaining how I shut down in case that would affect the boot
>> up. When I turn the PC on I get a black screen and after about 3-4
>> minutes I will get the Bios screen and then the grub menu. When I
>> choose Kubuntu I get a blackscreen again and eventually I get the
>> "Kubuntu 16.04 !!!" and then I will, after another minute or two It
>> will boot up. Iwill try to get a accurate time on the different parts
>> of the boot up.
> Dick
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