Cannot copy files and folders from laptop (Kubuntu 16.04) to micro SD from my mobile phone (Android 5.1.1.).

Bas G. Roufs - in English basroufs at
Fri Dec 16 15:29:00 UTC 2016

Hello Everybody.

> Ever since yesterday, I have been trying to copy files and folders from my
> laptop to the micro SD at my mobile - no success so far.  ....

> The laptop uses at present Kubuntu 16.04 along with KDE 5.6.5. The mobile
> phone is a Samsung S5 Mini running on Android 5.1.1.....
> First of all, I have tried the traditional method - connection between
> laptop and mobile via a USB cable. 

In the mean time I do manage to copy them from my laptop to the micro sd card 
in the phone - however,  the process is being accompanied by a lot of 
difficulties., failures and crashes. Often, the "mtp protocol" dies 
"unexpectedly".  Additionally, it takes time to "examin" the sd card. Finally, 
the system cannot calculate the exact size of a file on the SD card via the mtp 

> I have also been trying KDE Connect and Airdroid - I do manage to 'pair'
> both devices. .......

I really love KDE Connect - a package with several useful functions.

However, I do not manage to copy files in either direction via that wireless 


Bas G. Roufs.

Bas G. Roufs 
Van 't Hoffstraat 1
NL- 3514 VT  Utrecht
BasRoufs at
+31 6 446 835 10

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