a simple video editor that works

Karsten Loh karsten.loh at gmx.de
Tue Apr 26 20:12:16 UTC 2016

Hmm, yes seems Avidemux has been removed from the repos in 16.04, no
idea why. You can still get it from the Avidemux HP (that will require
compiling it though) or from the getdep repo http://www.getdeb.net (I
used to get mine from there anyway since the official versions were
pretty dated usually). That will require you to add the getdeb repos
though. Not sure if you are comfortable with that, they do have a good
explanation for the process here:
http://www.getdeb.net/updates/Ubuntu/16.04#how_to_install . It's easy
enough if you simply use their getdeb package. It remains an unofficial
repository though, keep that in mind.


Evil Overlord Rule #139: If I'm sitting in my camp, hear a twig snap, start to investigate, then encounter a small woodland creature, I will send out some scouts anyway just to be on the safe side. (If they disappear into the foliage, I will not send out another patrol; I will break out the napalm.) 

On 26.04.2016 21:33, Xen wrote:
> On Tue, 26 Apr 2016, Karsten Loh wrote:
>> If some cutting is the only job I think Avidemux is pretty simple and
>> intuitive at that level. Set start mark, set end mark hit
>> delete and the marked bit is gone, how much easier can it get?
> Thanks, that would probably be just perfect. I can't find it in the
> Kubuntu repos though. I prefer and enjoy that simple marker style
> editing more than what PiTiVi does, but I've started using PiTiVi
> which works with clips.
> Thank you for your responses. I don't know why Kdenlive froze.
> Regards.

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